Sunday, October 31, 2010

Out Of The Closet

Out of the Closet
You must look upon your illusions and not
keep them hidden…
Illusions have no place where love abides, protecting
you from everything that is not true.
A Course in Miracles
In our fascination with the monsters of Halloween, we forget that the holiday began as a celebration of purification. “Halloween ” is short for “All Hallows (Holy) Evening, ” the night that precedes November 1st, All Saints' Day. The lore tells that the presence of great spiritual light on All Saints’ Day calls forth all the unhealed spirits so they can be blessed and released. The process is similar to cleaning laundry in a washing machine. When the soap and water touch the garments, the grime is loosened, and it rises to the surface. To look into a washing machine dur–ing the agitation cycle, you would be repulsed and think that the clothes are getting dirtier. But they are actually getting cleaner. The muck must be extracted before it can be discarded.

While our culture has forgotten the spiritual origin of Halloween, you can make use of it. Are there any monsters lurking in the closet of your consciousness? Are you carrying any hidden fears, resentments, or grotesque memories that stalk you in the night? Are you annoyed by any emotional goblins that undermine your relationships? If so, open the door and let them fly away. Call forth the energy of love and healing, and ask God to free you of anything that stands between you and your good.

Monsters are dangerous only when we run from them. No bogeyman has any power over us unless we feed it with fear and denial. Face your demons, and you will see that they are illusions. Shine the light of truth on your basement, and you will have a whole new room to play in.
Give me the courage to move beyond my fears and be free.
I release the darkness to
make way for the light.
This meditation is an excerpt from Alan Cohen's meditation book, A Deep Breath of Life.

Friday, October 22, 2010

It's Time

As Pink would sing "I'm comin' up so you better get this party started.."

And so begins a blogging life.  I plan to share my general musings and thoughts, while trying not to be preachy, but probably asking more questions and looking for insight of others.  I believe we all have something to offer at least one other person, if not more.  I also firmly believe I can learn so much more when I am listening to others rather than speaking to hear myself speak.

I hope others will share their thoughts on what I write.
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